Edwards Plateau Alliance

Engaging in education regarding preservation and conservation of natural resources, wildlife, habitat, ranching heritage and rural community within the geographic area known as the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer.


We are conducting a census to determine who opposes wind turbines. Our goal is to create a census map and share the map publicly, to counterbalance the green energy sales pitch that “all our neighbors are signing up”. Therefore, we are reaching out to as many landowners as we can and ask if they would give us permission to tint their ranch “red” on the map linked below in order to correctly reflect those who currently oppose wind turbines on their land. To participate in this census, please go to our Contact Us page and notify via email you would like to participate in the census.

The Edwards Plateau Alliance is a 501c3 corporation.

Based out of Schleicher County and located in Eldorado Texas.

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